Jun 5, 2020 | Judge Quotes
Honorable Michael Warren 6th Circuit Court Here are some tips: 1. Cite authority for your proposition. 2. Be very precise on the relief you are requesting. 3. Proofread! 4. Delete unnecessary phrases and words – word economy strengthens your argument. 5. Raising...
Jun 4, 2020 | Judge Quotes
Honorable William Kelly 62B District Court In addition to all of the tips to be in any courtroom, I would encourage the lawyers to use the technology that we have in our courtroom. We are in the process of upgrading the technology getting rid of the VGA connections...
Jun 4, 2020 | Judge Quotes
Honorable Thomas Slagle Dickinson County Probate Court Always read the applicable court rules and statutes. Don’t just wing...
Jun 4, 2020 | Judge Quotes
Honorable Sara Smolenski 63rd District Court Make sure you know how to correctly pronounce your client’s...
Jun 4, 2020 | Judge Quotes
Permission Denied You must have an active membership to view this content. Please login or register If you clicked a link to this page, please login and try the link again. If the issue persists after logging in, please contact the system...
Jun 4, 2020 | Judge Quotes
Honorable Julie O’Neill 56A District Court As a district court judge in Eaton County, I see a lot of attorneys on a daily basis. First impressions are lasting impressions and my tip would be to be on time (in the courtroom ready to go) and to stand (along with...